Thank you for voting on the naming of the Showcase Home and Sales Center for Avalaire! Your votes came in through email, form submission, comments, and telephone, and the results were close! The Lodge at Avalaire is taking shape quickly, and we are excited to be dreaming and designing what the finished product will look and feel like.
We are pulling out all the stops on this one (fun fact, “pulling out all the stops” is an antiquated reference to opening all the drawbars on a pipe organ).
For example, the 2nd story boxed structure that rises on the right side of the home in the above time lapse footage is the elevator shaft. Even the elevator cab is going to be customized more creatively and artistically than what we traditionally install. We are leveraging the expertise of all our team members and trade partners such as Real Elevator Solutions to truly create a spectacular property. The canvas is ours for the painting, and we can’t wait to open this home to the public in early fall.
What kind of unique features would you enjoy seeing in this home?
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